Older Popular Songs

April Showers

I guess I always only heard the chorus of this song.  The introduction I have never heard before.  I listened to Al Jolson sing it and got an idea of how it goes but it is tricky and the timing of the whole song is tricky :-b

I practiced it numerous times and this is the best I could get for the night.  We are in April you know.  And we have been starting to have "April Showers" in FL.  We neeeeeed them, 
big time.

Recorded April 20,2012

All Alone Am I 

All Alone am I is a Sad Song I remember from the 50's-60's. I remember listening to it on my transistor radio when I was a teen ager. I was the oldest of 5 children and sometimes you just wanted to get away and be alone. The next oldest child was 6 years younger than I. We had a '62 chevy station wagon at that time. I would go outside after dark and sit on the tailgate of that wagon, look at the stars, enjoy the night air, the quiet, and listen to WLS Chicago radio with all my favorite Rock and Roll songs. Now you must understand my transistor radio was only about 4"x6" with an earphone. It was not a boom box that I disturbed the neighbors with loud volume. I enjoyed my little radio with its little sound just for my own enjoyment. :-)

Recorded April 19,2012

Accentuate the Positive

I watched Bing Crosby and Bette Midler do this one on Youtube. It has a positive message, don't you think?

I suppose being around someone with an optimisitic attitude is much more pleasant than being around someone with a pessimistic attitude. You have been around both types of folks. Where would you prefer to be??

Still we really need to look at life realistically. Sometimes that is positive and sometimes we must see the negative in order to have a positive outcome. Food for thought, eh?

Recorded April 19, 2012

Because of You

Here is my quick try at Because of You.  I am still unhappy with the tinny sound at the end of phrases.  It is mic related and I do not know what to do except get a different microphone. Bummer!!

Recorded August 23, 2012


All I have to do is Dream originally by the Everly Brothers

I did it solo and then in harmony with myself.  This was my first audio/video effort. 

Recorded: October 28, 2010



Ain't We Got Fun

This is an oldie that I remember being sung when I was a child.  I was born in 1946 but the generation that came before mine experienced these things.  Times were hard during the depression.  I fear those days are pressing down on us again.  However, the song speaks of contentment even in hard times.  Our Bible also speaks of being content in the situation we find ourselves because we wouldn't be in it if God had not ordained it for our spiritual growth in our Christian faith.  We learn much about how to live in any circumstance from Paul.  Phillipians 4:11-13 "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:  I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound.  Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." A life 
lesson we all should learn!

Recorded: April 19, 2012

Carolina in the Morning

When I was in a Sophomore in High School our Physical Education Classes did what we called a P.E. Show.  We did all sorts of tumbling, exercises, human pyramids, and the like in a presentation before the public.  It was a lot of fun.  One of the groups I was in did a choreographed exercise routine to Carolina in the Morning.  We practiced soooo much I had that song memorized for a long long time.

Recorded:  October 6th 2011

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